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Top Litigation Insights of 2024: A Year in Review



As the year draws to a close, we reflect on our great privilege in helping clients elevate their legal strategies through comprehensive consulting services. IMS is dedicated to keeping our clients ahead of the curve—and the competition. These top podcasts, case studies, and articles from 2024 highlight our team’s most critical insights for navigating today’s litigation landscape.

Expert Witness: The Power Behind the Proof

Strategic Benefits of Consumer Surveys in Complex Litigation | Ep. 69

Data analytics experts Charles Cowan, PhD and Gabriela Orsak, PhD explain how consumer and business surveys can inform legal strategies, specifically in intellectual property, deceptive sales, and class action disputes.

Monster Energy Co. v. Bang Energy

Our staff experts supported the plaintiff’s legal team by designing and analyzing a consumer survey that provided insight into their false advertising claims. Discover the results in our case study.

The Crucial Role of Expert Evidence in Complex International Arbitration

Expert evidence is often needed in complex international arbitration to fill gaps in tribunal knowledge. Reference this article for key rules, responsibilities, and trends.

Litigation Consulting: Strategies to Succeed

Using Innovative Technology to Advance Trial Strategies | Ep. 70

Technological advancements like The AdvantageSM are revolutionizing the trial preparation process. Learn more from Trent Webb and Lauren Douville, partners at Shook, Hardy & Bacon, and IMS Senior Jury Consulting Advisor Chris Dominic.

A New Focus for Defense Voir Dire: Safetyism

Explore how evolving cultural attitudes around safety and risk are causing defense attorneys to reshape their voir dire strategies. Featuring research and insights from IMS Senior Jury Consulting Advisor Jill M. Leibold, PhD, Senior Jury Consultants Nick Polavin, PhD and Jennifer Cuculich, JD, and Thompson Coe attorney-clients. 

Industrial Disasters Are Derailing the EPA—and Defendants with It

Senior Jury Consultant Nick Polavin, PhD and Jury Consultant Jorge Monroy dive into juror opinions of recent environmental disasters and provide strategies for defendants to overcome anti-corporate sentiment.

Want to Improve Credibility? Embrace Your Witness’s Humanity

IMS Senior Jury Consulting Advisors Melissa Gomez, PhD and Chris Dominic explain why witness credibility is key to earning the jury's trust and support—and how showing humanity can accomplish this goal.

Five Things a Trial Attorney Can Learn From a Teacher

Jennifer Cuculich, JD offers valuable lessons for trial attorneys based on her experience as a senior jury consultant, as well as a former lawyer and teacher. 

Visual Advocacy: Bringing Your Case to Life

Proving Copyright Infringement with Compelling Visuals

By overlaying images of the animated characters at the core of this dispute, we illustrated a crucial concept that resonated deeply with the jury and contributed to a total win for our clients.

Five Key Considerations Regarding the Use of 3D Animation for Litigation

Senior 3D Animation Consultant Brian Schutzman shares insights on leveraging 3D animation throughout the case lifecycle to clarify complex ideas and leave a lasting impression on decision-makers.

Presentation Technology: Tools That Transform

A Decade of Progress in Trial Technology

From virtual proceedings to 3D simulations, IMS Senior Client Success Advisor Adam Bloomberg and Industry Relations Manager Lisa Walters explore the evolution of trial technology and its impact on modern trial presentations.

Partner with IMS

We are pleased to share these litigation industry insights with actionable strategies to help clients succeed in increasingly complex cases. Visit our full library for additional resources.

Through every stage of dispute resolution, IMS provides the full suite of sophisticated advisory services lawyers need to prevail: world-class expert witnesses, specialized litigation consulting, cutting-edge visual advocacy, and flawless presentation technology. Whether identifying expert witnesses from any industry and discipline, developing themes and demonstratives, preparing witnesses for depositions and hearings, conducting focus groups and mock trials, or guiding jury selection and voir dire, we work collaboratively with our law firm partners to strengthen their cases.

IMS offers a fully integrated international team with decades of practical experience in more than 45,000 cases and 6,500 trials. Contact us to learn how we can support your next case. Together, we win.

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