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Interactive Timelines - Overview


Interactive timelines that bring events to life with related documents, maps, and demonstratives.

Visualizing your strategy through the lens of important events.

Complex disputes demand bigger and better visuals so your important data does not get overlooked, underestimated, or lost. Utilizing a timeline to present a sequence of events in the history of a dispute is an invaluable tool for a trial team, but not all timelines are created equal.

To accommodate our own high standards for ease of use, functionality, and scalability, IMS developed proprietary software that does the trick. ChronosSM is a powerful platform that provides our clients with extraordinary flexibility. Fully customizable and easy to navigate, it is no wonder why IMS clients rely on it. ChronosSM allows decision-makers to “see” your dispute in its entirety, one click at a time.

Depend on our visual advocacy experts to advance your case with a custom multimedia timeline.

Let's Get Started

IMS produced a timeline that had a very powerful effect on our ICC arbitration. It enabled the tribunal to see our case at a glance and quickly became a standard document used as an aide-memoire.

Senior Associate, Am Law 50 Firm