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Gabriela Orsak, PhD

Senior Survey Research Analyst


Dr. Gabriela Orsak is a Senior Survey Research Analyst at IMS. With more than 10 years of experience in research methods and design, Gabriela has conducted interdisciplinary research in numerous fields, including psychology, healthcare, economics, and public health for which she has collaborated with numerous colleagues from a variety of industries. Prior to joining IMS, Gabriela was an assistant professor in epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler.

Her research primarily examined the bio-psycho-social factors that predict physical and psychological health outcomes as well as behavior. She served as a Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) on a cancer grant delivering services to the un- or under-insured, as well as a Co-PI on a grant examining the social and economic costs of undertreated mental health conditions. She served as a Principal Investigator on a grant aiming to improve HPV vaccination rates among children. Gabriela has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in public health, psychology, and biostatistics.

She has published widely in the fields of psychology, public health, and healthcare. She has also served as a reviewer for many journals and as a member of the Institutional Review Board, an ethics review board for human research studies. Her education and prior research experience have given her expertise in research methodologies such as survey design, implementation, respondent recruitment, and data analysis.

In her role at IMS, Gabriels offers subject matter expertise in survey creation, data analysis, and report / rebuttal writing, associated with quantitative and qualitative research. She also collaborates with colleagues from both statistical and economic backgrounds to provide quantifiable, results-driven material that can be presented to both internal and external audiences on multiple fast-paced projects.

Within the context of intellectual property, she has written a white paper on the use of surveys in trademark and trade dress litigation, and either helped to write or taken the lead in report and rebuttal writing in litigation. Specifically, Gabriela co-authored a report for trademark infringement cases in the banking industry as well as other thought-leadership pieces that focused on deceptive sales of life insurance policies and other different consumer goods through online retail platforms. Her experience in writing rebuttal reports includes addressing rebuttal reports received from other experts, as well as writing rebuttal reports addressing the work of other experts.

Gabriela received her PhD in experimental psychology along with her master's in psychology from The University of Texas at Arlington and earned her bachelor's degree in psychology from West Virginia University.

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