Dr. Jill Leibold, senior jury consulting advisor with IMS Legal Strategies, has 20 years of trial consulting experience and has applied her expertise in juror decision-making to hundreds of cases across all genres of litigation. Our clients rely on her skills in preparing challenging witnesses for deposition and trial, as well as her extensive experience in jury selection for both civil and criminal cases.
At IMS, Jill specializes in developing statistically based juror risk profiles to identify jurors for cause and peremptory strikes, and she applies the qualitative analyses to develop case stories and themes. She frequently presents at national legal conferences and writes for legal trade publications about juror attitudes, implicit bias, and jury selection in the areas of environmental and toxic torts, personal injury, asbestos, insurance bad faith, patent and trademark, transportation, product liability, fraud, criminal, and complex commercial cases.
Jill’s educational background includes a BA in psychology from the University of Minnesota – Minneapolis, an MS in social psychology from The Pennsylvania State University, and a PhD in social psychology from Michigan State University. She now resides in Los Angeles.
Outside of work, Jill is a sportbike motorcycle enthusiast and avidly rides as many racetracks as possible around the U.S., but also including Australia, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Her two rescue dogs are named Valentino Rossi and Maverick Vinales after their favorite MotoGP motorcycle racers.
Notable publications and presentations:
- Leibold, J.M. & Polavin, N. (2023). A Strange New Litigation World: Safetyism, Plaintiff Verdicts, and High Damages. DRI For The Defense Magazine (September 2023 issue), 41-44.
- Leibold, J.M., Polavin, N., Burrichter, C., Kim, M., & Ozurovich, A. (2023). Safetyism and Conspiracies Are Affecting Juries. DRI In-House Defense Quarterly (Summer 2023 issue), 17-21.
- Leibold, J.M. & Polavin, N. (2023). The Rise of Safetyism Is Influencing Verdicts. Insights.
- Leibold, J.M. (2023). Using Jury Research to Benefit Your Case Story & Strategy. Insights.
- Leibold, J.M. (2023). What to Ask Before Voir Dire. Insights.
- Leibold, J.M. (2021). Panelist for “Practicing in the Spotlight.” Meeting of the National Association of Women Lawyers, July 21, 2021.
- Cox, J., Hudgins, R., Wade, D., & Leibold, J.M. (2021). A Discussion of Jury Selection and Juror Attitudes in the Post-COVID World. Dykema Litigation Institute Webinar, March 25, 2021.
- Marinakis, C.M., Bloomberg, A., Leibold, J.M., & Pitera, M.J. (2021). 20 Lessons Learned from Trials in the COVID Era – Parts1-2. Insights.
- Leibold, J.M. & Polavin, N. (2021). The Psychology of Jury Selection. Presentation to Baylor School of Law, January 10, 2021.
- Leibold, J.M., Jackson, A., Ehrich, D. & Price, J. (2020). COVID-19 And Design Defect Jurors’ Risk Evaluations: Parts 1- 3. Law360.
- Leibold, J.M. (2020). COVID King: Investigating and Defending the Liability, Mayhem, and Madness. Panel Member. USLAW EduNet Webinar, March 1, 2020.
- Polavin, N. & Leibold, J.M. (2020). When Can Reframing Create Juror Backlash? Insights.
- Leibold, J.M., Cook, K., & Polavin, N. (2020). Breaking Updates to Jurors’ Attitudes – Changes/Trends in the Time of COVID-19. Forman, Watkins & Krutz Webinar.
- Leibold, J.M., Cook, K., & Polavin, N. (2020). Toxic Torts: Understanding New Juror Trends and Underlying Attitudes in the Time of COVID-19. Association of Defense Counsel Webinar.
- Leibold, J.M., Cook, K., & Polavin, N. (2020). Breaking Updates to Jurors’ Attitudes – Changes/Trends in the Time of COVID-19. Litigation Insights Complimentary Webinar Series.
- Leibold, J.M. & Gerchen, R. (2020). How to Keep Your Expert Witness from Crumbling on Cross. Insights.
- Leibold, J.M. (2020). A Piece of Paper, a Feather … Combating Plaintiff Attorneys’ Interpretation of Burden of Proof. Insights.
- Leibold, J.M. (2019). Does Trial Length Increase Jury Damages?. Insights.
- Leibold, J.M., & Marinakis, C.M. (2018). My Case Isn’t Going to Trial, So Why Do I Need a Trial Consultant?. Insights.
Featured Insights by Jill M. Leibold, PhD
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Does Trial Length Increase Jury Damages?
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What to Ask Before Voir Dire

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