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Dr. Jill Leibold to Present at 2022 DRI Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Seminar


IMS Consulting & Expert Services Jury Consulting Advisor Jill Leibold will present “Communicating to Juries After 2020 – Lessons Learned from the Pandemic, BLM, and Virtual Trials” at the Defense Research Institute (DRI) Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Seminar on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 8:25 am ET.

The pandemic upended jury trials as we have known them. Not only did potential jurors became more aware of scientific concepts such as dose, exposure, and epidemiology, they also became more aware of the continued unequal treatment of racial minorities in our country. Additionally, they had to serve on juries remotely while sitting in their living rooms. This panel will evaluate changes in jury perceptions as a result of COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement, discuss lessons learned from virtual trials, and recommend strategies to communicate effectively to juries in the new normal.

The DRI Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Seminar is the premier gathering for the defense bar and provides the latest litigation, science, and regulatory developments in order to keep your practice on the cutting edge. Attendees will hear from trial attorneys who have navigated virtual trials along with leading professionals on the challenges of the practice of law during the pandemic.

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