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John Maier, MA, CRC, CCM, CLCP, CVE

Life Care Planning and Vocational Expert

John Maier is a Certified Rehabilitaion Counselor, Certified Case Manager, Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist, and Certified Life Care Planner with more than 25 years of rehabilitation experience. John’s expertise encompasses vocational testing, transferable skills analysis, job assessment, labor market research, rehabilitation planning, and the identification of reasonable accommodations in alignment with the Americans with Disabilities Act. John is an active member of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals locally and nationally. He has created 1,000+ employment opportunities by collaborating with employers, behavioral health agencies, and other community organizations in Arizona and North Carolina.

Since mid-2020, John has testified as a contracted vocational expert witness in more than 700 hearings throughout the US with the Social Security Administration. He has evaluated the earning capacity of individuals in both state and federal court. John also provides comprehensive life care plans for plaintiff and defense attorneys nationwide.

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