For over 20 years, Brian Patterson has been transforming important case information into appealing visual demonstratives that decision-makers easily understand and find compelling. He has conceived and designed impactful visual case strategies for over 150 cases and legal projects that involved a variety of matters, including patent, trade secret, business, oil and gas, and commercial disputes. Brian has presented cases in county, state, and federal courts, as well as in the International Trade Commission.
Clients rely on Brian to steer them toward the mediums that will best tell their case story. He is adept in print, web, video, and interactive graphics, and he is continually keeping pace with new technologies and techniques. Specialized requests and tight deadlines do not throw him, he has quickly managed and organized the teams that provide any graphics that clients may desire. Prior to joining IMS, Brian was senior trial consultant for Barnes & Roberts.
In addition to his work as a trial consultant, graphic designer, and trial presenter, Brian is also associate editor for The Jury Expert. He writes and produces short films, and he performs pro bono graphic design work for nonprofit organizations.
Featured Insights by Brian Patterson

Proven experience across all industries and practice areas.
Strategic advisory services for every step of dispute resolution.