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The Advantage℠

An Interactive Juror Insights Application

Gain a competitive advantage with our dynamic application that gives you immediate visibility into your jury research data and a deeper understanding of your jurors’ responses.

Delivering instant feedback and meaningful findings.

Jury research is an invaluable tool to inform your trial strategy. With The AdvantageSM, IMS’s interactive juror insights application, you can visualize your mock jury data in a powerful new way and quickly assess the strength of your case themes, evidence, and witnesses.

The AdvantageSM provides immediate access to participant feedback during mock trials, focus groups, mock arbitrations, and other research models. This innovative platform is tailored to your case and enables you and your IMS jury consulting team to seamlessly design, test, and refine your trial strategy.

Partner with our jury research experts to maximize the value of your mock trial experience.

Let's Get Started

The AdvantageSM dashboard is easy to navigate, and there is so much information that we can drill down into—juror attitudes and experiences, their preferences for particular parties, witness credibility comparisons, theme and evidence evaluations, and more.

IMS Client

I could compare the jurors’ characteristics with their leanings, which was very valuable. It was easy to refresh the dashboard after each presentation to view the juror data and the basis for pro-plaintiff or pro-defense leanings. By the end, The AdvantageSM had compiled all the juror feedback along with juror demographics, which led to informed discussions and observations.

IMS Client

With The AdvantageSM, we are able to look at all of our mock jurors in great detail. We can understand why they change their views throughout the mock process and how they are evaluating our story of the case, our witnesses, and the opposition’s witnesses.

IMS Client

The AdvantageSM dashboard gives us immediate access to juror reactions. We can interact with all the data even as we listen and watch the jury deliberations.

IMS Client

It was exciting to see the juror leanings come in and watch the charts change once I refreshed the data. I liked being able to cut the data in so many ways throughout the day.

IMS Client

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