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Keith Pounds, PhD Presents Jury Consulting CLE at Textron Litigation Summit



On September 17, IMS Jury Consulting Advisor Keith Pounds, PhD will present at the Textron Litigation Summit in Providence, RI, co-leading a CLE session titled "Jury Consultants Can Do a Lot More than Run Mock Trials." This presentation will provide an in-depth look at how jury consultants can enhance litigation strategies at every stage of the case lifecycle.

Alongside Textron Senior Associate General Counsel Matt Cairns, Dr. Pounds will explore recent jury trends and focus on factors driving the increase in high damage awards. The session will also dive into early-stage litigation support, including evaluating potential case themes, predicting juror reactions, and preparing witnesses for deposition. Attendees will gain insights into the importance of pre-trial jury research—tailored to test liability, assess case value, and develop juror profiles—as well as effective jury selection techniques. Dr. Pounds will also share actionable recommendations for refining case messaging and employing real-time tools like social media searches, trial monitoring, and shadow juries to provide dynamic feedback during trial proceedings.

At IMS, our litigation consultants combine innovative research methodologies with state-of-the-art technology to help legal teams understand what drives juror decision-making and optimize their trial strategies. Learn more below.

Interested in scheduling this CLE or a similar presentation at your firm? Reach out to to get started.

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