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International Association of Defense Counsel Annual Meeting


The International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC) is hosting their annual meeting on August 15-19, 2021. IMS Consulting & Expert Services is proud to be a sponsor of the event to help support five days of CLE programs, presentations by the industry’s expert speakers, and networking opportunities.

Events of the IADC Annual Meeting will be held both virtually and in-person. Attendees will be able to interact with IMS representatives via the online chat feature as well as view and download thought leadership material.

On Wednesday, August 18, IMS Senior Jury Consultant, Aref Jabbour, will be presenting in the CLE City of Chicago vs. Catherine O'Leary (and her cow), 10:45 am - 12:15 pm CDT.

This program will showcase the talent and creativity of two top-notch trial attorneys as they present closing arguments in a trial close to the heart of Chicago, and Aref will engage the audience with a discussion following the two closing arguments about the themes woven into the arguments, any visual aids used, and the points that resonated with the jury.

  • Hear how to incorporate storytelling to persuade jurors on an emotional level
  • Learn how to engage with jurors in the visual world of 24/7 news and social media
  • Listen to how you can maximize your chances of success in the current era of shorter attention spans, cognitive bias, and distrust of institutions and experts

The IADC was founded with the purpose of fostering good will and cooperation among general counsel who shared common interests and challenges. Today, the association has nearly 2,500 members and has founded the Defense Research Institute (DRI) and Lawyers for Civil Justice (LCJ).

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