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IMS Sponsors LCIA Dispute Resolution in the International Energy Business Conference



IMS | Z-Axis Global is proud to sponsor the LCIA Dispute Resolution in the International Energy Business Conference on 18-19 October in London, United Kingdom. Legal Presentation Consultants Brett Fields and Christine Carnell will be attending and look forward to meeting members of the international business community interested in and affected by current developments in the oil, gas, and alternative energy business. The conference will consist of topics on energy boundary disputes, state investment disputes, joint venture disputes, and other related topics.  The London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) is one of the world’s leading international institutions for commercial dispute resolution. The LCIA provides efficient, flexible, and impartial administration of arbitration and other ADR proceedings, regardless of location and under any system of law. The LCIA is renowned not only for its arbitration administration services but also for its conferences and symposia. Read more on the website here

Learn about our international dispute resolution services here and gain additional insights below: 

Visual Storytelling in Complex Arbitration | Episode 65 

The Power of Visuals in International Arbitration | Episode 63