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Christina Marinakis to Speak at 26th Annual Drug and Medical Device Litigation Conference


IMS Consulting & Expert Services | Litigation Insights is proud to support the American Conference Institute’s 26th Annual Conference on Drug and Medical Device Litigation. The event will be held on December 7-8, 2021, at the Marriott Marquis in New York, NY. Attendees of the annual conference will be participating in two days of panel discussions featuring 60+ leading trial attorneys and defense counsel. Each year 400+ professionals attend to network and discuss actionable strategies to surmount new litigation challenges.

On Wednesday, December 8 at 11:45 AM ET, IMS | Litigation Insights Jury Consulting Advisor Christina Marinakis will be a panelist for Assessing How the COVID-19 Pandemic is Impacting Juror Mindsets, Perceptions, and Verdicts: What is the Data Showing? Discussion topics will include:

  • Will post-COVID goodwill towards pharmaceutical and medical device companies play out at trial?
  • Are we seeing discrepancies between juror attitudes towards drug companies vs. device companies?
  • How to relate juror reluctance to serve during the pandemic to how their perspectives would be while actually sitting on the jury
  • Are we seeing any correlation between vaccine hesitancy and juror perceptions of drug companies?
  • What does the data say about vaccine-hesitant jurors and their view of pharma companies: What can be gleaned from “Have you been vaccinated?” on a juror questionnaire?

The American Conference Institute is one of three companies associated with the C5 Group. This organization hosts conferences and summits that provide the business intelligence which decision-makers need to make timely decisions in today’s marketplace.

Learn more about jury consulting services with IMS here.

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